Women’s Ministry
Our women’s ministry has two primary aims: to deepen our love for the Triune God, and to build up our fellow sisters through community. We do this through fall and spring women’s Bible studies, a J-term study that is offered every January, and planned fellowship events.
For information on our women’s Bible studies, please contact Sandy Mitchell:
For information on women’s events, please contact Kyrsten Hitzeman:
T.E.A.M. Men’s Ministry
Our culture is filled with confusion as to who men are and how we should act. T.E.A.M. (Teaching, Equipping, Activating Men) exists to anchor our identity as men in Christ. Throughout fall and spring, we meet on the fourth Saturday of each month for fellowship, which includes time dedicated to singing praise and learning from God’s word.
For information on men’s ministry, please contact AJ Mueller:
King’s Place
King's Place is an after-school mentoring program that provides K-5th graders a safe place to build relationships with mentors and other children while learning about God through His Word. Children play, share a meal, work on reading and math skills, and listen to teaching about who God is and what He is like. Our goal is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ transform children and parents in our local neighborhoods.
When: Wednesdays, 4:30 - 6:30 PM (during the school year)
For information on King’s Place, please contact Jasmine Aldrich: