What To Expect on a Sunday morning
We believe that the primary instrument within the local church is not a guitar or a piano or even the worship leader...it is the voices of the family of God gathered to gather to sing His praise. We love to sing at Christ the King, embracing the truth that God intends for his Word to dwell among his people richly specifically through singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16).
Because God's Word and Spirit alone hold the power to make dead sinners alive and shape them increasingly into God's image, we consider preaching to the primary ministry of our church. We primarily preach expositionally through books of the Bible out of a desire for God's Word to set the agenda rather than our topical preferences.
One of the things the Apostle Paul told Timothy to devote himself to as a church leader was the public reading of Scripture. Even if there were no sermon, God's word, in and of itself, is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). We open and close our Sunday services with Scripture as a reminder that we are there to listen His words and thoughts, not our own.
Jesus said that his house must be a house of prayer (Matt. 21:13), so we make prayer a priority when we gather. Some weeks this means a prayer of confession, bringing our sins before the Lord. Some weeks this means a prayer of intercession, asking the Lord to work and act in specific ways. Some weeks, this means a prayer of adoration, simply praising God for who He is.
While much of what we do on a Sunday morning is word ministry, baptism and the Lord's Supper are visible displays of the gospel. When we have a baptism, that person is going public as a disciple of Jesus Christ. And when we eat the bread and take the wine as part of the Lord's Supper, we proclaim together the Lord's death until he comes (1 Corinthians 11:26). We take the Lord's Supper together on the first Sunday of every month.
"By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35). More often than we'd like to admit, we don't live up to these words of Jesus. But by His grace and His Spirit, this is what we strive for - to be a people marked by our love for one another. Despite our imperfections, our hope is that you will see this love on display not only on Sunday morning, but throughout the life of our church.
When and where do you meet?
We meet every Sunday morning at 10 A.M. at our building on 5934 8th Ave. If you are a first-time visitor, we recommend arriving 10 minutes early so you can find a good parking spot. We especially recommend arriving early if you’ve got kiddos so we can get them checked-in for child care or King’s Kids (see below).
Is there child care?
Yes! We have nursery/child care for infants - pre-K. You can drop your little ones off before the start of our service at 10 AM.
Our K-5th graders join us during the service until the sermon. At that point, they head out to their King’s Kids classes, which are separated by age group. This typically includes a Bible story lesson, an activity, and Scripture memory. Every fourth Sunday, we have our King’s Kids kiddos join us for the entire service.
What are your safety standards for child care?
We believe all children are made in the image of God, and so it is our God-given responsibility as a church to exercise great care in keeping the children who join us on a Sunday morning safe. All of our volunteers are trained in our Child Protection Policy, which provides guidelines for how to protect children from sexual, physical, and emotional harm.
As part of our Child Protection Policy, we also require all parents to utilize our check-in/check-out procedure to ensure a child in our care is always and only released to the adult who is responsible for them. If you are a first-time visitor with young ones, we recommend arriving a few minutes early so we can get your family set-up with our check-in/check-out process.
Where do I park?
Being in the heart of Kenosha means we do not have our own parking lot, but we have several parking options available for you. When weather permits, street parking around Library Square on both 8th Avenue (directly south of our building) and 59th Place is our top recommendation for you. Just be sure to take note of any specified "No Parking" signs that are posted. When a snow emergency is called, we would recommend utilizing the public parking garage on 8th Ave and 57th St. The walk from the parking garage is roughly 4-5 blocks away.
We also have handicap parking on 8th Avenue directly in front of our building and an elevator inside the double glass doors that leads to our sanctuary on the second floor.
Do you provide any resources for those in need?
We are grateful to be able to offer a community breakfast every Sunday morning at 7:30 AM. This ministry dates back 15 years when God gave two men who love to cook a compassionate burden for the hungry residents and passerby's of Kenosha. Each Sunday provides a chance to hear the gospel preached and for relationships to be formed and strengthened around what is sure to be a tasty meal.
We also partner with Shalom Center to host a meal every Tuesday night from 5–6 PM in our Fellowship Hall.