Our History

  • 2012: The elders of CrossWay Community Church unanimously affirm Mike Salvati as (1) being sufficiently qualified to church plant and (2) the one to lead the church plant in downtown Kenosha called Christ the King Church. 

  • October 6, 2013: Our first public Sunday gathering.

  • 2014: CTKC ordains its first elders.

  • 2015: Jasmine and Rick Aldrich begin King’s Place, a weekly mentoring program designed to serve school-aged kids in our neighborhood.

  • 2017: CTKC ordains its first deacons.

  • 2020-2021: In the midst of difficult season of both national and local division, the Lord provides growing clarity and unity around who we are as a church following an 18 month assessment process via The Vine Project.  This process results in a new telos statement: “together following Jesus.”

  • Summer 2022: Zak Mellgren is hired as a full-time worship leader and pastor-in-training.

  • April 2023: CTKC officially joins the Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA).

  • December 2023: Kelly Schneeberger is hired as our full-time office manager.